Last week the FCA launched a new version of Form A, one of the most common forms used for Senior Management Function and Controlled Function applications.

It is initially being trialled with certain firms who have helped with testing of the form in the past and who provided valuable feedback. The firms involved are Limited scope and Enhanced firms who frequently use Form A via email.
Instructions will be emailed to these firms containing information regarding the public testing of the form.
The email will also contain a link that can be used to submit:
Standalone applications (those not related to an Appointed Representative, New Authorisation or Variation of Permission application)
On behalf of solo regulated entities
The form will then be gradually rolled out to firms who are frequent users of Form A based on the Senior Manager and Certification Regime category.
Last but not least the form will be sent to all remaining firms, including dual regulated entities.
During the transition period firms will be still be able to use the old version of Form A to submit applications but only until the rollout of the new form is complete.
Applications related to an Appointed Representative, New Authorisation or Variation of Permission application will be updated soon and firms should therefore continue to use the old version of the form for the time being
More information can also be found on the FCA webpage should firms have any queries or questions.